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Crime/Suspicious Event Report Form

Event Details

Learn more about event types

Please provide a still image of the offender/suspicious person (if available, please choose all files at once):

Supported Formats: (mp4, jpg, png, jpeg, gif, jfif)

Vehicle Details

Please provide vehicle details (if available):

Vehicle Photo (please choose all files at once):

Supported Formats: (mp4, jpg, png, jpeg, gif, jfif)

Police Report

Please upload your submitted police report (if available):

Supported Formats: (pdf)

Example: Stealing, taking something with no intent to pay, includes clearly hiding it before leaving the branch.
Suspicious Activity
Example: Dodgy behaviour, looking for opportunity, avoiding staff, watching staff, CCTV, exits, crouching down, working together, disguise-hats/masks/big clothing. Drunk/drug etc.
Example: Deception- trying to trick us- false invoice, stolen cards, lying about returns, using fake ID, etc
Example: Aggressive towards people, gestures, threatening or dangerous words, out of control behaviour.
Example: Hitting, pushing, grabbing, spitting, throwing items at staff.